
Conceptpower / News: Recent posts

Ask for your Synonyms

Conceptpower now allows you to ask for all synonyms of a word via REST. Simply give it the id of the concept you want synonyms for and it will return a list of all synonyms it knows. See the documentation for more infos!

Posted by Julia Damerow 2013-08-22

Synonyms Rock!

We fixed a small bug in Conceptpower. So far, if you asked for a wrapped WordNet concept, the ids of synonyms that came from WordNet were not included in the REST response. Now they are!

Posted by Julia Damerow 2013-08-17

Search method of REST interface

We have an improved REST interface. You can now search for concepts using various fields, such as type ID, description, or creator. Conceptpower will check if the given search terms are contained in these fields and return all matches. You can choose between AND and OR search. For example:

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Posted by Julia Damerow 2013-06-22

Retrieve full Concept and Type Information via REST

Conceptpower: Improved REST Interface


We improved Conceptpower's REST interface. You now get all information there is about a concept, such as if it is deleted or who created it:

<conceptpowerreply xmlns:digitalhps="">
<digitalhps:id concept_id="CON273fb179-b256-4401-b094-614a5e215692" concept_uri="">
Adolf Ziegler
German embryo modeler in late 19th century
<digitalhps:type type_id="986a7cc9-c0c1-4720-b344-853f08c136ab" type_uri="">
E21 Person
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Posted by Julia Damerow 2013-06-16