
CruiseControl.NET 1.5 Released

Highlights of the CCNet 1.5 release

It has taken a lot of time, but here it finally is : the final release of 1.5
This release fixes bugs reported on the RC.
Keep in mind ...

* The email publisher config is NOT compatible with 1.4.4 if you used the group element, check the new configuration in the documentation.
* Some internal interfaces are changed, so 3rd party plugins could be broken

At the bottom are the items fixed in this release.

For people coming from the 1.4.4, and not following up on the CTP and RC, here's a small list of the new items :

It is now possible to secure parts of CruiseControl.NET. Security is all based on the server-side, and is set in ccnet.config.

Currently it is possible to lock down the following items:

* Viewing projects
* Forcing/aborting builds
* Starting/stopping projects
* Viewing security settings
* Modifying security settings
* Viewing configuration
* Changing configuration

Client-side tables for the dashboard

The projects list in the web dashboard is now interactive - you can now sort on any column, even multi column sorting is possible.
A few new source control systems

RoboCopy, VSTS, Ftp, Git and Mercurial. The last 2 are DVCS, so an entire new kind of source control!
New Tasks/Publishers

A number of new tasks have been added:

* Parallel Task and Sequential Task - allow running tasks in parallel or in sequence, or any combination of the two. While this can speed things up, be careful of using too much parallelism as each parallel task uses its own thread and there is only a limited thread pool.
* NCover tasks - perform NCover analysis and reporting within CC.NET itself (no need to run it in a build script).
* PowerShell Task - run a PowerShell script.
* Conditional Publisher - this provides a standard way of only running publishers for certain build states.
* CruiseServer Control Task - send control commands to a local or remote instance of CruiseControl.NET.
* Ftp task - Publisher- upload / download files from a server

Dynamic Parameters

This allows to ask the user for input on forcing a build, so reducing the amount of CCNet projects.
eg.: ask which branch to build
See Dynamic Parameters for details.
Time Line chart

This shows the a build overview as a chart.
Translation of the webDashboard

Current translation involve French, German and Polish.
A duplicate finder

This task scans files for duplicates, just a task, no merging needed.
Duplicate Finder Task

And many more

Posted by willemsruben 2010-05-02

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