
Bullet Physics SDK 2.45 released

Bullet is a state-of-the-art 3D Collision Detection and Rigid Body Dynamics Library for games. ZLib license, free for commercial use, including Playstation 3. Supports COLLADA Physics. Visit forum at for support and feedback

- removed STL from the Bullet library: replace std::vector by btAlignedObjectArray. Also removed the std::set for overlapping pair set, and turned it into an overlapping pair array. The SAP only adds objects, never removed. Removal is postponed for during traversal of overlapping pairs (duplicates and non-overlapping pairs are removed during that traversal).

- added heap sort and binary search/linear search to btAlignedObjectArray

- compressed AABB tree: 16 bytes per node, quantized aabb, with 32-bits indices. This helps reduce memory usage of large triangle meshes, with improved performance. See Demos/ConcaveDemo
- COLLADA import improvements. See Demos/ColladaDemo.
- Improved performance for convex polyhedral shapes. The local AABB is cached, instead of re-computed each frame. This caused a major slowdown for larger scenes, in particular .bsp levels with many convex hulls.


Posted by Erwin Coumans 2007-03-12

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