
I downloaded the ant-jar file from sourceforge here and followed the documentation.
I have the following tasks

<target name="init">
     <typedef resource="org/unintelligible/antjnlpwar/antjnlpwar.xml" uri="org.unintelligible.antjnlpwar">
            <pathelement location="${lib.dir}/ant-jnlp-war-0.9.jar"/>

<target name="webstart" depends="init">
   <jw:jnlpwar tofile="${webstart.destfile}.war" codebase="${webstart.url}" title="Application"
            vendor="ME" pack200="true" signStorepass="${webstart.passwd}"   signAlias="project">
       <jw:description>A description</jw:description>
        <jw:description kind="short">Another</jw:description>
        <jw:j2se minVersion="1.5" args="-Xmx250M"/>
        <lib dir="${webstart.lib}">
           <include name="**/*.jar"/>
        <jw:application mainclass="de.test.Test" jar="${webstart.lib}/${project.jar}"/>

the properties are all valid in the whole build file.
My problem is that i always get

Problem: failed to create task or type org.unintelligible.antjnlpwar:jnlpwar
Cause: The name is undefined.
Action: Check the spelling.
Action: Check that any custom tasks/types have been declared.
Action: Check that any <presetdef>/<macrodef> declarations have taken place.
No types or tasks have been defined in this namespace yete following error:

The  xmlns:jw="org.unintelligible.antjnlpwar" is in the project tag.

I already tried to include also the deps jar, but with the same problem.

What do I miss ?
