
ClassLib 1.3-dev ported to autoconf

A number of JNI components for ClassLib were not included in the original open source release to give us some time to port the build process to use GNU autoconf, automake and libtool. It's now in theory possible to use "configure" on most UNIX-like platforms to build a shared library. I've just completed the port to MinGW, and will be tackling MacOS X soon. The goal is to provide JNI library binaries for Linux (x86, PPC and Sparc), Solaris, Win32 and MacOS X when classlib 1.4 is released to production. We want the C components to be almost as portable as the main Java components. Right now the "demo" JNI is the code behind org.amberarcher.util.UUID.

If you are adventurous and want to build this version, join the mailing list to get help. The build process is not "one-click build" yet: you need to run ant, then run configure and make, and the set-up for MinGW is a bear.

Posted by Kyle Downey 2001-10-11

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