
#40 External Drive Hashes & Shared network folder hashes reset


- If Alliance starts before an external hard drive, Alliance begins to rehash the external HDD even if nothing has changed on it.
- When a computer is started and Alliance has a shared network folder in it's share list, it begins to rehash the folder even if nothing has changed.

There should be a fix to prevent Alliance from auto rehashing external or network shared folders. Maybe add a new option so when we add it to Alliance's shared list we can check a check box that says "Do not auto rehash this folder on Alliance start up". This way Alliance will ignore those selected folders for the time being.

Most people reporting this bug share large folders (ie. 100GB+) so it literally takes them hours to rehash again which is crazy.


  • Tim

    Tim - 2009-04-02

    this is a huge problem for me.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    This is a pain for me as well. Is there even a way to automatically tell if a shared folder is on a mapped network drive and/or a removable drive? Perhaps if a given folder is not found at all like on a disconnected drive or down network share, instead of deleting the hash, ask if the folder should be rehashed, deleted or status change ignored (hash saved)?


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