
Error while adding new fields to Webstore

  • Scott Furtado

    Scott Furtado - 2011-10-05


    I added a virtual column to the product table called QtyOnHand that accurately displays the quanity on hand.  I am trying to add it to the webstore by changing product.uomname to product.QtyOnHand.  When I load the page I receive an error

    Adempiere System Error
    Sorry, an error occured. If the error persists, please inform us.
    Error Message:
    Property 'QtyOnHand' not found on type org.compiere.wstore.PriceListProduct
    Stack Trace:
    javax.el.PropertyNotFoundException: Property 'QtyOnHand' not found on type org.compiere.wstore.PriceListProduct

    Would anyone be able to assist me?  I feel like I may have to edit a java file but I only see a PriceListProduct.class and I cannot open it.  Does this require me to compile Adempiere from source and include the modified files before hand?

    Thank you very much.


  • Trifon (An ADempiere founder)

    Hi Scott,

    In order to add QtyOnHand you must edit java class: PriceListProduct

    It is used by class PriceList:

    After changing and compiling this classes you must build ADempiere.



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