
Rule: Don't drop not-added-by-you things

  • Carlos Ruiz

    Carlos Ruiz - 2008-12-10

    Hi Developers, please don't drop "not-added-by-you" things (db elements or functionalities).

    If it was added by you in previous versions - then it must not be removed.

    If the thing is wrong - or functionality is really broken - then please first ask in forums before considering the drop.

    Please stick with this to help to the quality of the project.


    Carlos Ruiz

    • Mario Calderon

      Mario Calderon - 2008-12-10

      Hi Carlos,

      I would like to know the exact meaning of your thread (as clarification).

      Do you mean a developer commits a change and doing this drops a functionality he thinks it is useless, but it maybe used by others?

      Thanks and best regards,
      Mario Calderon

      • Carlos Ruiz

        Carlos Ruiz - 2008-12-10

        Hi Mario, thanks for asking.

        > Do you mean a developer commits a change and doing this drops a
        > functionality he thinks it is useless, but it maybe used by others? 

        Yes - that's exactly the message - developers working in trunk need to think wider.

        Working in trunk is not about coping customer or specific project needs.
        It's about thinking on ALL current base of users - and potential future users coming from compiere and openbravo.

        In other words, even if you or your customers don't use a piece of code or dictionary - it doesn't mean others aren't using it.
        We need to be careful.

        I wrote about this before - but now I tried to write it like a short rule.


        Carlos Ruiz

    • Redhuan D. Oon

      Redhuan D. Oon - 2008-12-12

      I agree with this rule. But this is easily solve if we follow our traditional rule:

      Always raise a Feature Request and discuss what to do before doing it.

      Thus rule should be:

      New Idea? Write first in FR.

      not forgetting the WDYT rule also :-)

      • Teo Sarca

        Teo Sarca - 2008-12-12

        [+1] vote. I agree with this rule. You never know who is using what....

        Best regards,
        Teo Sarca -


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