
Panda3D / News: Recent posts

Visit for new releases and support.

As of Panda3D 1.0.0, most of the public support for Panda3D, including file releases, bug trackers, downloadable models, the Panda3D manual, and community forums, are now handled by the CMU team and can be accessed at the Panda3D web page . We will continue to use SourceForge to host the CVS repository.

Posted by David Rose 2005-07-23

Panda3D version 1.0.0 released

We have just started a new version numbering convention, replacing the previous convention of numbering our versions after the date of release. Our first release following this new convention is 1.0.0, which is now available for download at .

The CMU team is now taking responsibility for hosting the Panda3D source code file releases as well as the binary releases, so starting with this release you should look to the Panda3D download page (above) for source code releases, instead of downloading them through the File Release system of Sourceforge.... read more

Posted by David Rose 2005-03-07

New import convention

The latest release, 2004-07-27, changes the way in which Python files are imported. Now we use the Python module system instead of putting all of the files into one flat namespace.

See the Release Notes for other changes.

Posted by David Rose 2004-07-28

New release 2004-03-29

The latest release rolls in several changes we have added in the past year, which robustify existing interfaces and add some new features. See the release notes for a more complete list.

We are well-established on SourceForge by now (and our codebase has been live in the SourceForge CVS tree for well over a year now). As always, get code directly from the CVS tree if you want the very latest version of Panda.... read more

Posted by David Rose 2004-03-29

Panda3D on Sourceforge

We're getting started on sourceforge. The source is in CVS, but we don't have any published file packages yet. We're working on removing internal depedencies to our work environment.

Posted by Dave Schuyler 2002-01-24