
AirSnort / News: Recent posts

Korek/Aircrack attacks now supported!

Real time cracking using the korek attacks as implemented in aircrack and modified for real-time many AP at a time cracking is now included in airsnort. I have seens keys fall in real time with as few as 500k packets and virtually none of the classic weak IVs. Nice job to Korek and Christophe Devine for their work!!


Posted by snacks snax 2004-12-20

New Windows Update

Windows support has been somewhat improved. Airsnort should work for all adapters supported by airopeek. Installation remains tricky, but an executable is included in the current distro. You still need to download all supporting packages however (gtk/glib/pango/atk/airopeek)

Posted by snacks snax 2004-09-06

Orinoco Monitor Mode

Now supported in cvs. Get it here

Posted by snacks snax 2004-02-19