
PHP Web Toolkit / News: Recent posts

12 Years Later


This project is a code framework I developed for faster development of PHP web applications 12 years ago.


The project was based on software design patterns such as Abstract factory, Builder, Factory method, Singleton, Chain of responsibility, Command, Front controller, MVC, Data access object and Data transfer object. It is useful for prototyping web applications using dynamic web pages on the server-side.... read more

Posted by Brian Bisaillon 2016-11-20 Labels: phpwebtk-1.0.4-alpha

Switching from CVS to Subversion

I plan to switch from CVS to Subversion and I will eventually move all of the old source code over to the new repository. In the meantime, any new source code will only be kept in the new repository so check up on it from time to time.

Posted by Brian Bisaillon 2006-11-07

Back Into Action

I have been inactive on this project for quite some time due to health reasons. However, I am happy to report that my organ transplant surgery was a success and I shall resume development work on phpwebtk soon. This project is on the brink of reaching 3000 downloads and I think it's worth putting more effort into it.

In the next release, I plan to include updated versions of ADOdb for database abstraction, Mcrypt for encryption, Mhash for hashing, Kses for content filtering, eAccelerator (new) for opcode caching, Smarty for templating and FCKeditor (new) for WYSIWYG. I am also going to work on adding secure forms-based Authentication, adding a sample phpwebtk application, updating all of the documentation including the UML diagrams and creating tutorials.... read more

Posted by Brian Bisaillon 2006-11-07