
Python comments blocks unreadable color

  • Nobody/Anonymous


    Would it be possible to change the color of the python comments blocks(those starting with triple quotations marks("""))? The current color is almost impossible to read on a white back ground and hurts the eyes...Maybe orange( like done here:\) could be done?

    thanks in advance.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      The triple quote in Python does NOT create a block comment, but rather a multiline string, preserving the line breaks. Python language does not have a concept of block comments - there are only line comments.


    • Don HO

      Don HO - 2005-08-22

      Arf !!!
      It's awful as color !!!
      Thank you for letting me know it.
      It'll be change in the next release.
      However, you can change it by yourself via the Configurator
      (menu "Language->Configurator...") :
      Click Pyton tab then in the Description combobox Choose "Triple". now you can change this terrible color.


      • PacoBell

        PacoBell - 2007-06-01

        Sorry to necropost this, but the Python parser seems to consider my COMMENTBLOCK as a STRINGEOL and, consequently, color it that revolting default yellow-on-white as well. I haven't taken a look at Notepad++'s code yet, but could it be because it erroneously considers two sequential # marks a STRINGEOL?