
The same scale on both axes

  • Placek

    Placek - 2006-05-23


    I would like to have the same scale on both axes (X and Y). I know that it could depend on screen resolution, but I would like to have '1 unit' on both axes to have exactly the same length.

    Is it possible?

    • Placek

      Placek - 2006-05-24

      Let me describe my chart:
      1. It has 4 units on X axis and 4 units on Y axis.
      2. I can see that my chart is not a square - it is a rectangle (units on X axis are wider than units on Y axis).
      3. I draw a line from (1, 1) to (3, 3) and definitely there is not 45 degree angle.

      One more thing: size of my ZedGraph control is 600 : 400.

      Still I have no clue what I am doing wrong.


    • John Champion

      John Champion - 2006-05-23

      You can do this by adjusting the (for example) YAxis scale range to always maintain a 1:1 pixel aspect ratio. To do this, first make a SetSize() method that gets called in response to a ReSize event (like to example code). In your SetSize method, do this:

      //fix the X scale, let the Y scale vary to pixel 1:1 aspect ratio
      GraphPane pane = zedGraphControl1.GraphPane;
      double xPixPerUnit = pane.AxisRect.Width / ( pane.XAxis.Scale.Max - pane.XAxis.Scale.Min );
      pane.YAxis.Scale.Max = pane.AxisRect.Height / xPixPerUnit + pane.YAxis.Scale.Min;
      pane.YAxis.Scale.MinAuto = false;

      Be sure to call AxisChange() and then SetSize() when you first setup your graph.

    • Placek

      Placek - 2006-05-23

      Thanks John.

      I tried your solution, but I does not work.

      This is what I did:
      1. In Form_Load I am creating my chart, which axes are of text type.
      2. At the end of that method I have following lines:
      SetSize(this, null);
      3. My SetSize method is the following:
      private void SetSize(object sender, EventArgs e)
      //fix the X scale, let the Y scale vary to pixel 1:1 aspect ratio
      GraphPane pane = zedGraphControl1.GraphPane;
      double xPixPerUnit = pane.AxisRect.Width / (pane.XAxis.Scale.Max - pane.XAxis.Scale.Min);
      pane.YAxis.Scale.Max = pane.AxisRect.Height / xPixPerUnit + pane.YAxis.Scale.Min;
      pane.YAxis.Scale.MinAuto = false;
      4. In response to ReSize event SetSize method is called.

      I run my code and still unit on X axis is wider than unit on Y axis.

      What am I missing?


      • John Champion

        John Champion - 2006-05-24

        What exactly are you seeing? As you resize, the scale on the Y axis should change so that a the units are square. If you draw a line from (1,1) to (100,100), it should be a true 45 degree angle.


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