
Upgrade Your Original Drive's Software Before

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    I have a RTV2020 that I tried and tried to upgrade using both the Linux and Win2K RTVPatches with no success.  The original drive only had the version 1.0 RTV software.  Once I put it back in and let it update to v3.0 and change the drive partitions I was able to copy it without problems.

    I just thought it was worth noting for others who are attempting an upgrade right out of the box.

    Great Software guys keep up the good work.


    • drbanks

      drbanks - 2001-04-30

      Version 1.0 software?  Wow.  Where'd you get that.

      The expectation would be that the RTVPatch software will not work with drives that have version 1.0 software on them.  The reason is quite simple: the version 1.0 software used a 64 sector cluster size on the MPEG partition, whereas version 2.0 and later upgraded that to 512 sector clusters.  I believe the RTVPatch still assumes a 512 sector cluster size on that partition, which means it's bound to fail on a version 1.0 disk (or a disk that's upgraded without reformatting the disk).


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