
ver 1 routernot working after firmware

  • njemose1

    njemose1 - 2004-07-24

    my router ver1 does not let me get online i can connect to it but some reason this firmware will not let it get online any ideas if theres a patch or something where do i get it

    • TCBBS

      TCBBS - 2004-07-24

      the firmware is crap and buggy.

    • TCBBS

      TCBBS - 2004-07-24

      my v1.0 router always crashes.  just don't like this patched alchemy.  I think the patching went wrong.

    • njemose1

      njemose1 - 2004-07-24

      i am trying to think of any possible way that i can get this router to work with my voip cable modem sbv4200 i dont know what else to do seems like alot of people doing the same thing im doing are stuck and i dont like the idea of capping a bandwith just so the dam thing works right why dont they make routers be able to seperate data so theres no delay in data transmission

    • TCBBS

      TCBBS - 2004-07-26

      lack of support here.  if you pay $20 for the year you can get support @ sveasoft:)

    • njemose1

      njemose1 - 2004-07-26

      sveasoft LOL are you kidding i dont need tech support i need something that works this is a built on the source code of the alchemy version of sveasoft and well according to there version it cannot be installed on ver1.0 routers either so the search yet continues for a correct to voip with wrt54g routers i really dont mind swtiching ethernet cables to go from one computer to another  actually im think of building a manual switch to correct the switching from one pc to another for now at least dunno about wireless as this is beginning to annoy me as it is trying to explain this lol anyway it would help out folks like me to have someway to keep the router going while still being able to make a phone call withought choppyness but hey i can be patient also no biggie if it cannot be done at the time

    • njemose1

      njemose1 - 2004-07-26

      I think the way to go is to develop a way to have future routers  actually be able to seperate data between voice/general data  i think thats where the break down exist right now that the router actually floods or causes a bottle neck trying to seperate data from the pc while still routing internally voip data to and from the modem  there has to be a way to seperate these two withought reducing data and capping allocated data bandwith just for voice  actually this is a good topic to get others try to explain some ideas on how to work around the problem i think this developer as well as other out there such as sveasoft are trying to find ways around this but well as we all know sometimes software development goes just beyond the sole purpose as you may know or not know all this gpl violation and how there not supposed to charge or make profit etc... its all well back and forth instead of going back to the blackboard and concentrating of the project outcome  but this is just my opinion and mine only doesnt mean you should go about my way about  things

    • Totl Access Networks, Inc.

      not to fucus people away from this package/frimware but there are other packages out there that do work with VOIP applications on some basic hardware. See

    • tracker

      tracker - 2004-08-03

      ok for all of you that get the ap broken after reflashing, reflash whit any other firmware and in a shell put this

      nvram set lan_ifnames="vlan0 eth0 eth2 eth3"
      nvram set wan_ifnames="eth1"
      nvram set wan_ifname="eth1"

      nvram commit

      After that reconfigure the AP and dont restore the default setting or your AP will be broken again.

    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2005-01-21

      Firmware loaded fine on WRT54G. After what looked like a clean receycle, router came back. Have both wireless and direct connection available, but can't find Now what???

    • johnalo

      johnalo - 2005-02-16

      reflash how? my firmware update went succuessfully but cannot login After some searching i found out wrt54g's new ip is, but whats the username/ password?


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